SunsOut Store



Ace in the hole
All ears
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
An apple a day keeps the doctor away
An axe to grind
An empty bag cannot stand upright
Ants in the pants
At the end of one's rope

Babies must play
Back seat driver
Bad news travels fast
Ball game is over
Banana nose
Beetle (bug)
Beggars can't be choosers
Behind the 8 ball
Best patch is of the same cloth
Beware of the door with too many keys
Big as a barrel
Big fish eat little fish
Bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
Birds of a feather flock together
Black as the ace of spades
Blow one's own horn
Bone to pick with someone
Break the ice
Bridge over troubled water
Broken heart
Burn the candle at both ends
Butter someone up
Butterflies in one's stomach

Cauliflower ears
Call no man happy till he's dead
Can't see the forest for the trees
Cast iron stomach
Castles in the air
Cat got your tongue?
Cat's out of the bag
Children should be seen and not heard
Chip off the old block
Chip on one's shoulder
Christmas comes but once a year
Climb the ladder
Climb the walls
Cloud 9
Colorful language
Coming down in buckets
Cool cat
Counting sheep
Cracked bell can never sound
Cry one's eyes out

Dead men tell no tales
Dear John letter
Dime a dozen
Doesn't have a leg to stand on
Dog (he or she is a)
Don't bite off more than you can chew
Don't count your chickens before they hatch
Don't judge a book by its cover
Don't let the grass grow under your feet
Don't look a gift horse in the mouth
Don't put all your eggs in one basket
Don't put the cart before the horse
Don't put your foot in your mouth
Don't throw a monkey wrench into the machinery
Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater
Down in the dumps
Drinks are on the house
Drop in the bucket

Eagle flies alone
Ear to the ground
Early bird catches the worm
Easy street
Eat your heart out
Egg in the face
Eighty-six it
Empty barrels make the most noise
Even the devil will swear on a stack of bibles
Every family has at least one black sheep
Eyes in the back of his head
Face of the mountain
Feeling blue

Finger licking good
Flat as a board
Forbidden fruit is the sweetest
Forked tongue
Four eyes
Frog in the throat
Fruit of one's labor
Full of baloney
Full of hot air
Funnier than a barrel of monkeys

Get under one's skin
Getting on someone's back
Gingerbread molding
Give him enough rope and he'll hang
Give him the needle
Go fly a kite
Go through the roof
Going downhill
Green thumb

Hands are tied
Hand that rocks the cradle rules the world
Handwriting's on the wall
Hang dog
Head in the clouds
Heard it through the grapevine
Hedges have eyes
High chair
Higher they rise the farther they fall
Hit the sack
Hitch your wagon to a star
Hole in the wall
Home is where you hang your hat
Home sweet home
Honesty is the best policy
Horseless carriage
Hot pants
Hotter than a $2 pistol
Hung out to dry
Hungry enough to eat a horse

I was framed
If the hat fits, wear it
If the shoe fits, wear it
I'll eat my hat
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
In a stew
In it up to one's neck
In hot water
In one ear and out the other
In the dark
Iron curtain
It's a dog eat dog world
It's no use crying over spilt milk
It's written all over your face

Just because there's snow on the roof doesn't mean there isn't fire in the furnace

Keep your head above water
Kick the bucket
Killing two birds with one stone
Knock on wood

Lean over backwards
Leave one's mark
Let the chips fall where they may
Let's call a spade a spadeLife has its ups and downs
Life is a two-way street
Light my fire
Lightning never strikes the same place twice
Lighting the candle at both ends
Like father, like son
Like day and night
Long and winding road
Look before you leap
Lose one's head

Make hay while the sun shines
Man who is his own doctor has a fool for a patient
Man's home is his castle
Many hands make light work
Melt into someone's arms
Men seldom make passes to girls who wear glasses
Mushroom (man or men)
Music hath charms to soothe the savage beast
My heart has wings

Needle in a haystack
Never cross a bridge until you come to it.
Never hit a man below the belt
New brooms sweep clean
No strings attached
No one knows what goes on behind closed doors

Off one's rocker
On the tip of one's tongue
One man's meat is another man's poison
Out on a limb
Out to pasture
Over a barrel
Over the hill

Pain in the neck
Painting the town red
Pearls before swine
Picture tells a thousand words
Piece of cake
People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
Playing second fiddle
Poison one's mind
Pot belly
Practice what you preach
Pretty as a picture
Printing press is the mother of errors
Pull up a chair
Pulling one's leg
Pushing up daisies
Put a feather in your cap
Put our heads together
Put that in your pipe and smoke it
Put your money where your mouth is

Queer as a $3 bill

Raining cats and dogs
Rat race
Rock's in one's head
Roof over one's head
Rooted to the spot
Roots (to have them somewhere)

Sawing logs
Self-made man
She stole his heart
Shoot one's mouth off
Shot in the arm
Sit on it
Sitting on a fence
Sky is falling
Sky's the limit
Slow but steady wins the race
Something up one's sleeve
Something's rotten in Denmark
Sour grapes
Small world
Smoke so thick you can cut it with a knife
Snake in the grass
Snug as a bug in the rug
Stabbed in the back
Stag party
Stay in one's shell
Stitch in time save time
Stone face
Stones throw away
Straight from the horse's mouth
Stretch one's legs
Strong stomach
Stubborn as a mule
Stuffed shirt
Sweep it under the rug
Sweetest grapes hang highest

Tails on a coat
Take the bull by the horns
Tall tale (tail)
Ten-foot pole
That rings a bell
That's a horse of a different color
That's how the cookie crumbles
That's icing on the cake
There are more ways to kill a dog than by hanging
There is no fool like an old fool
There's more than one way to skin a cat
Thorn in one's side
Throw in the cards
Throw in the hat
Throw in the towel
Tied up
Tighten one's belt
Time flies
Tongue hanging out
Too many cooks spoil the broth
Two heads are better than one

Under the weather
Up against the wall
Up in the air

Variety is the spice of life

Walls have ears
Watched pot never boils
Water (passed) under the bridge
Way to a man's heart is through his stomach
We can make beautiful music together
Wear many hats
Weight of the world on one's shoulders
When clouds are seen wise men put on their coats
When one door shuts another opens
When the chips are down
Where there's smoke there's fire
When poverty knocks at the door, love flies out the window.
White elephant
Window on the world
Woman driver
World on a string
Would look alright with a bag over his (or her) head

You are what you eat
You can't be in two places at once
You can't have your cake and eat it too
You can't keep a good man down
You can't put an old head on young shoulders
You can't take it with you
You have a screw loose
You have to take the good with the bad
You hit the nail right on the head
You would forget your head if it wasn't screwed on.

© 1975, 1980 T.E. Breitenbach

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